Analysis of live attacks

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Note that "APTs" or "Advanced Persistent Threats" is a term that has become over-used. It should be reserved for cyber attacks that involve the most sophisticated techniques, over an extended period. Naturally, any organisation that falls victim to a successful cyber-attack might hope that sophisticated criminals or even nation-states are to blame, rather than a disgruntled employee or (worst of all) a 14-year old. But there are many products that are able to analyse relatively sophisticated attacks, including the following.

Threat Analysis product market shares - IDC - 11 pgs - Oct 2015
Threat Analysis - Bromium
Threat Analysis - Cybereason
Threat Analysis - Damballa Failsafe
Threat Analysis - FireEye
Threat Analysis - Hexis HawkEye
Threat Analysis - Lastline
Threat Analysis - Trend Micro
Threat Analysis - ThreatStream
Threat Analysis - WatchGuard