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Imagine that your staff, clients and suppliers are threatening to sue you.The media are criticising you and regulators are threatening fines. Your Board and your shareholders want answers, right now.

That sort of hell is typical after a major data breach. Consider:

  • Your IT Director won’t guarantee safety, even with an unlimited budget. Breaches often take 9 months to discover so you may be breached already. Companies face a 14% risk of a major breach each year (Ponemon 2014).
  • Your Response defines the business impact of a breach. Companies and executives have lost income and reputation because of poor response.
  • Insurance covers your costs, but doesn’t provide assistance. Don’t be a distressed buyer of the 5 capabilities you need in the week of a Breach.
  • You’ve built a great team, but they have day jobs. They could make costly mistakes in the crucial first few days after a Breach has been identified.

To minimise the massive impact of the Data Breach you couldn’t prevent, you must be certain your team will respond effectively when a Breach is discovered. You want to avoid the 7 classic errors of Breach Response.

Cyber Rescue Ltd helps you keep your customers, staff, Board, shareholders, regulators and the media satisfied with your response.

Join us to experience our services.